Monday, July 24, 2006

Fun with proxies and p0rn

Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? I've been busy trolling my resume around, and with the 4th of July and the rest of the debauchery that accomponies summertime, I haven't had much time to blog.

But that hasn't stopped the madness. For example, the following request I received last week:

I want to view the following website.

for some research information on copper isotope production. The website was given to me by a contact at an isotope distributor.

The firewall prevents me from going there because it apparently activates
which is a bad site.
I went to an unproxied machine and went to the URL the user was trying to get to, and what do you know? It redirects to a p0rn site. So, is this guy asking me to unblock it, knowing it redirects to a p0rn site?

So, if website activates, and you want it unblocked, you are effectively asking me to unblock the porno site

Did I get that right? I checked out and it is indeed a redirect to a porno site. If you are indeed doing research on copper isotopes, you need to realize that is not related to that research.

My user was not amused:

thank you for your ignorant remarks. This ticket can be closed.